Sacha Braddock | Life on Two Wheels

Sacha Braddock | Life on Two Wheels

We met Sacha through different events in the moto community. Her warm and welcoming personality and positive attitude is hard to miss. We love to get to know the women that wear Atwyld because we find that they each of them have their own inspiring story. For some, it is their journey to finding a life on two wheels that we find inspiring. For others, it is the person they realize they can become once they have found it. Meet Sacha Braddock.

Photo by Heidi Zumbrun


Name: Sacha Braddock   

Age: 34

Where do you live? Long Beach, California

Where are you from? San Diego, California

Tell us about yourself.

As a native southern Californian, I’ve spend all but 4 years of my life here California with a 4 year layover in Houston Texas. I love living in Long Beach, my friends joke and call me the Mayor, I care about my community and building up this city. Outside of my corporate life I have been a fitness instructor for a little over 8 years now, that has always been my fun side thing.  I just work to afford my hobbies, travel, motorcycles and gadgets. I bought my first condo two years ago so finding balance between adulting and fun is the name of the game.

What do you do for a living?

I’m a small business consultant for ADP’s PEO division.

How did you get into motorcycles? What inspired you?

If I am being honest it was probably seeing Angelina Jolie in the late 90s on a motorcycle that really made me want one. I didn’t grow up around bikes I would study people on the freeways and surface streets just trying to see how they managed to shift hears, stop, accelerate and brake while not even looking like they are working hard to do it. Finally, I decided while I was living in Houston to get my license because I didn’t have any family to talk me out of it and really haven’t looked back since. 

How did you learn how to ride?

I took the good old M1 class when I lived in Houston. I thought it would be a good idea to start off with a 150cc scooter since I truly had no prior motorcycle experience. I was the only one in that class that passed for a scooter, it was hilarious.  Of course, looking back, I should have just purchased a bike but that scooter was my training wheels and at the time I had no idea about the amazing female motorcycle community, so the scooter was my training wheels. 

Does anyone else in your family ride?

Nope just me, my mom cried actual tears when I told her I bought a bike. When I told my mom I also showed her that I added two life insurance policies to soften the blow, but I think that only made it worse.

Did you have a lot of friends that rode?

Back before I bought a bike, I only knew one person with a motorcycle, the day he got the bike he dropped it and never really rode it again.  So, I guess the short answer to that question is no.

What kind of bike do you have?

Currently I have a 2008 Sportster 883, I love my bike, a good friend of mine sold it to me for what he bought it for, so I got a good deal. Now that I have been riding for two years and I’ve test ridden a few bikes I look forward to purchasing a in Indian Scout Bobber.

What is it that you love about riding?

Riding as always been a dream of mine, so honestly everything. I think I can be a scary cat when it comes to new adventures because I just don’t have a lot of miles, but I love every moment even when I’m scared.  I’ll be the first to say that I get scared often but that is a part of the fun.  I love the community of women riders, I love brining new women into our community because it is for everyone.  I could go on and on about riding because it is the thing I look forward to every weekend and any excuse to get on my bike during the week I do.

What is it about being a part of the moto community that you love?

There is a space for everyone once you find your way. I think it can be hard to find our community if you don’t know where to look, that was my issue. Somehow, I found my way to the Babes Ride Out page and promised myself I’d get there.   I was raised by a village of women, so finding this community has essentially become my adult village.  I have friends and people I can go to if I want to go on a ride I’ve never done. I have events I can attend all by myself knowing that I will be welcomed and most importantly I want to introduce people to this community.

Tell us about some of the best experiences you have had on your bike.

Recently I went on one of my largest group day trips to Temecula then Ortega Highway which was magical. I know that is a regular ride for most people out here in southern California, but I don’t yet have much twisty experience so naturally I was nervous to ride that with 20 other people. My all-time best riding experience must be Babes Ride Out two years ago.  I remember the first night of babes, I’d never been to Joshua Tree before, I can’t tell you the last time I tent camped before Babes.

Any favorite roads you’ve ridden?

Joshua Tree national park hands down!

What is on your bucket list in terms of riding destinations or experiences?

I don’t know that I have bucket list items just yet, I want to keep doing longer rides right now. To date my longest ride has been Babes Ride Out Central Coast.  I’d like to eventually ride to the Bay area, Utah and through Arizona and New Mexico.  My biggest goal right now is simply more miles on two wheels.

Tell us about an Atwyld moment you have had on your bike?

Riding the 405 freeway in early morning rush hour traffic before the sun rose and splitting lanes the whole time.  Some folks just rip when they split but it was so dark there were so many cars, I was completely out of my comfort zone, I couldn’t wait to get on the 101.  I could feel the tension in my shoulders, I was on high alert the whole time, now that I’ve been splitting lanes for a longer period of time I feel more comfortable but I can say it still is one of my least favorite things to do although I am thankful we have that as an option here where traffic is guaranteed. 

What are some of your favorite pieces that you love from Atwyld and why?

The two wheels overalls are my all-time favorite piece that Atwyld has come out with. They are versatile, comfortable and most important they are safe! I also love my Raven moto jeans if I am going on a longer ride and just want to feel a little more protected or if I just don’t want to wear the same thing everyday they are my number 2! They are stretchy for these thick thighs and butt and just high waisted enough, so the world doesn’t see my crack. The saying “all gear all the time” is easy when you have gear that looks good, feels good and is safe.  I love that my Atwyld gear just looks like everyday clothes but with protection.

Do you have any goals that you want to achieve as a motorcyclist?

I want to be a part of diversifying the Babes because it really is an amazing event and if I am being honest the women’s motorcycle community in general.  Last year at Babes I counted about 27 black women, out of at least 1200 women, that’s less than 1%. If women don’t see other women who look like them at these events, they will be less likely to attend.  It probably took me so long to get on a bike because I never saw anyone who looked like me on a bike or if I did, they were on the back. I want to expand the community and I want all women to feel like there is a space for them. I want it to be second nature for brands to not only include women of color but different body types, styles and looks because on the road there is no one look but most of what is marketed to has a particular look. 

What advice do you have for someone who is thinking about hopping on two wheels?

Even if you don’t have anyone around you who rides or have never been on a bike, know that you can do it. There is a whole collective of women riders out here ready to help.  This community is amazing and seeing cities, roads and national parks on two wheels, there really is nothing that compares.  Fear on our bike works both ways, don’t let that stop you, eventually you will know how to push fear aside and trust the people around you.